Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Back to Blogging

It's been too long since our last post! Let's just say that going back to work has changed some things around our house. Last week was my first full week back. My second week back I got strep throat and only worked 3 days. So last week was reality. It actually has been going really well! We are so thankful to have a wonderful in home daycare provider. She lives right by my school so it is perfect. Luke is happy when I leave him and happy when I pick him up after work which makes things so much easier. He is the only full time child there so we are lucky that he gets lots of love and attention each day. He has been sleeping and napping so well and has finally decided that drinking a bottle is ok. Below are some pictures Auntie Jenny and her boyfriend Alex took when they babysat on Sunday while we went to the Gopher Men's Bball game. We hope everyone is keeping warm! I don't know about you but I'm pretty tired of this cold! :)

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Gustie Game

Luke attended his second Gustie Women's basketball game this afternoon. We were excited to dress him in his Gustie sweatsuit that Auntie Abby gave him last Christmas! Check out his first pair of Nikes! Go Gusties!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy 2008 to all our blog readers! Today we went for Luke's doctors appointment with his cardiologist at Children's. His doctor reported that the mitral valve sounded "a little better" and said he wants to see us back in 2 months. Luke will continue to take the blood pressure medicine as his numbers were much better today. We are very happy about this since it seems like everytime we have an appointment something else happens.
I will be going back to work tomorrow which is the biggest change around our house. It is going to be hard but I know that Luke will be in great hands at our daycare and summer is just around the corner right? :)
Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers for our family! We hope your 2008 is great!