Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Lots of Family!

Luke met lots of extended family on Monday night over at Great Aunt Gay's new house in Eden Prairie. Pic #1 is Great Aunt Nancy and second cousin Molly. Pic #2 is Great Aunt Gay, Great Uncle Gary and Great Aunt Nancy. Pic #3 is Great Grandma Bolmgren with her sisters Marlene and Gay. Pic #4 is all of the ladies with Luke. Lucky guy!

My Fishing Hat

Luke made his first trip up to the Cass Lake cabin over the weekend. He was happy to come home with no bug bites and lots of new friends from Texas, Colorado and lots of other places!

More Visitors

Molly's teacher friends Sara and Sharlene came to visit along with our friend Anne from college.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Take Me Out To The Ball Game

Luke made his first of many trips to the ballfield on Monday to watch Dad play softball. Dad must have been inspired because he went 2-4 with 3 RBI's in a 13-11 win over the first place team. Dad was asked when Luke would be ready to join the team so our batting order could start out Matt, Mark, Luke and John. We think we're going to keep him in the minors for a little while longer.

Luke and Great Grandpa Thomas

Luke made it three for three the other day as far as meeting his great grandparents as Great Grandpa Thomas came to Aunt Jenny and Uncle Jason's house.

Amy D., who we learned is a one of many loyal blog readers, holding Luke.

The Old High School Gang

Molly's High School friends came for a visit the other day. Back Row: Amy and Mackenzie. Front Row: Allison with her boy Matthias, Molly with Luke and then Laura.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Two Week Doctor Visit and Random Pics

Luke had his two week appointment at the doctor on Friday and we got some good news. The doctor thinks that Luke's heart murmur is quieter than it was before. The other good news is that Luke weighed in at eight pounds even, which means he has already gained a pound since birth. His mom is not the least bit surprised at the weight gain after all the time spent breast feeding! The bad news for Luke is that he got circumsized on Friday as well and is not too happy about it. Vasoline is his best friend right now! :)

A Visit From The Kahl's

Amy and the kids came to visit Luke on Thursday. Matt and Tyler spent some quality time at the park.

Bath Time

Luke took his first real bath this week and didn't like it too much, but at least he
smells good.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Luke Meets Great Grandpa Tiedman

After meeting great grandma Bolmgren last week and great grandpa Tiedman today, Luke only has great grandpa Thomas left to meet of the great grandparents.

Busy bodies

It's been quite a busy week for the Thomas family! On Monday, Grandma Pedersen came out to Shakopee to babysit while mom went shopping and dad went on a bike ride. On Tuesday, Luke went to Grandma and Grandpa Thomas' house while mom and dad went to dinner and a movie. On Wednesday Great-Grandpa Tiedman is coming from Wells to see Luke for the first time. On Friday Luke has his two week doctors appointment.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Finally a picture with Luke's eyes open! Luke's first week home has been about as good as one could hope for. He is eating and sleeping a lot and rarely cries. We even ventured out to a little party on the 4th of July.

Everybody's Sleepy

Luke Loves Visitors

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Sleepy Baby!

Another Video

Luke doesn't cry much except when we change his clothes...

More Pictures

You can click here to view a photo album of pictures that were taken at the hospital by the hospital photographer.

Our first night home went very well. Mom and Dad weren't too nervous and actually got some sleep! Luke is eating like a mad man...we can't even believe how much he is eating. At the doctor's office the other day he was in the 30th percentile for weight and the 80th percentile for height...making Mom and Dad wonder if this is really their kid!

Monday, July 2, 2007

We're Home!

Luke was finally discharged from Methodist Hospital today around 10 in the morning. From there we headed over to Children's Hospital to see a cardiologist and to have an echocardiogram on Luke's heart. Luke still has a PDA which is causing a heart murmur, but the cardiologist at Children's today said that he thinks there is a 90-95 percent chance that the problem will take care of itself in the next couple of weeks. We have our first appointment with our pediatrician on Thursday and we will go back to Children's for another echocardiogram in two weeks.

Besides the murmur, Luke is a very happy and healthy baby! He is eating a lot these days and is already over his birth weight at seven pounds and four ounces. His temperment is very good as he hardly made a peep during the two hour appointment at Children's.

It's great to be home! Call us if you want to come and visit!

Sunday, July 1, 2007